12-22-02: I'm a little late on this update but for good reason. My family and I have finally moved into our new place! My room is huge and yet, somehow, it's messy. Of course, it's only been about a week or so since I moved into it. The work was done in one day. The cleaning is still going on. As far as school work is concerned, I'm through with finals. Finals messed me up something fierce. o.@ I couldn't speak right, my thoughts were all screwed. My trains of thought were more like Gomez's model trains from the Adams Family. = P But, I should do better this week. I'll load up shtuff in the next few days if I can scan them in. 11-16-02: It's up once again. After way too long a time away, the Jobs page has made another appearance. And to think, before it used to be called "Will Work for Food." = P I've added images to the Monochromatic page, a new page too. Please take advantage of the Jobs page. I need the cash and the work will be fun. 11-04-02: After way too long a hiatus, I'm back. I've re-done the site using some interesting new gizmos and gadgets that I've found online at Microsoft's FrontPage 2002 site. I still have many an interesting trick up my sleeves but I'll hold those back for now. I'll update all the archives once I get the newest artwork scanned and whatnot. At the same time I'll go through and update all necessary dates. As for the second update that was going to happen in the last post, sorry. It was basically that my family and I were finally moved in to my grandparents house. Nothing much past that. 09-10-02: Update part One - I fixed up some random things while in-between classes. I'll try to post a new rant and some more links before the day is done. Gah! I must go!. o.@ *Zoinks* 09-01-02: The chat has been gone for just about a week now, I'm just finally getting around to taking it down. It's kind of sad to see the thing go but I know that I can just get a new one. It's the other chats that were from the same company that I'll miss: MSC and PSC. Good times... Good times... 08-18-02: I've posted a new rant. In a way, it's not my classic ranting style, but more of a small field guide to that which is known as the Mall. I'm working on the software problems, attempting to locate a decent replacement for Fireworks MX without having to shell out mass amount of cash just yet. I'll buy the program only if I can spare the cash. Buying stuff from my store would help me solve this problem quickly! So would me getting a job, but the store is what's there right now, so go shop! I'll try to add new stuff soon if I can. It's hard when the only editing program you know you can't use right now. o.@ Lates! 08-11-02: Nothing much happening at the present time. I've fixed some minor stuff like missing links and all. I don't know when I'll be able to upload more artwork. The program I normally do my touch-ups in, Fireworks, has run out on me. I'll download another trial or possibly get the funds to buy a full copy soon. Most likely, I'll download another copy. = P BeSeen, the folks through which I have a chatroom, is going out of business on the 19th of this month. If you are looking for me, I'll probably be in Psc. 'Till next time. Lates! 07-30-02: It's taken my longer than I expected but it's finally done. The monochromatic section should be up and running as I type. I'll be adding more pages until about 3 in the morning. So, if you're reading this Monday night/Tuesday morning and you're wondering why there's suddenly new images up... well, that's why. Quick! Go see it! 07-19-02: It's funny. I wrote that last update even though I didn't load the page onto the net. = P As for news, I've added something to the list of things done. Though I'm not posting the script to the first chapter of Alice just yet, I had added a new rant. 'Tis a fun one indeed. That's all for now. 07-16-02: I finally cleaned up the links page. I also added a little bit onto the pics page too. You can now find the Renditions page up! I'll take some pictures of my cleaned up case this week, as well as start work on the Miscellaneous section. I may even post the script to Chapter One of Project: Alice. It all depends on how things go. Oh well, back to work. Lates! 06-29-02: New Rant!! I recommend folks read this one. It's about Politically Incorrect: The last show and other such items. I am working on fixing the layout of the links page as well as adding more images to the archives. It'll just take me awhile. I'll attempt to get it done by next Friday night/early Saturday morning. 06-25-02: I've added a few more pics to the color archive. One would be shocked how many images I actually have scanned and ready to put up. I'll get to those when I can. I've been working on the Alice script and images of the next character to be released, Techie, so keep an eye out for that. Finally, I've added a message board for all to visit and converse on. No real big reason why except I've always wanted one of my own. = P I'll do more work when I get the time to sit down and do it. 'Till then... Lates! 06-03-02: News both good and bad. The good part is I've added more information on "Project: Alice" and its characters. I've also added a new store which will hold just "Project: Alice" stuff. The survey wasn't working out so I've plans to nix it. If you folks saw how the data ended up looking like, you'd get rid of it too. The scanner is working and images are being scanned. I'm building the sections up but this is where the bad news comes in. Issues at home may cause delays in updates. I'll release more information when I feel its needed. Lates! 05-20-02: Fixed up the site a bit. I switched the background to something that fit the mood and idea of the site better. I fixed an image error that I found when viewing the site in Netscape 6. I guess it was just another odd FrontPage bug. As nifty as the whole "Slideshow" look of the color art pages was, I ditched it for the longer yet more reliable "Page" format.  For those who care, the Rants page, Rant archive and Updates archive are now online. I'm still tweaking the site behind the scenes so look for improved a better tasting yet less filling page than before! One more thing... my scanner's acting up. I'll load more images to the archive in time. 05-07-02: I posted a survey on Video Game Violence. I've talked about this in some of my rants and now I'm doing something about it. This survey is for my Sociology project and it might possibly stick around for longer than that. It's on the effects of violence on the actual gamer. Make your point heard! Pass the word around but please, try not to kill my bandwidth. The more the merrier on this one. Lates! 05-06-02: The new site, re-named House of Amill, is officially up and running. Please enjoy some of the new aspects like on-site images, improved sections, and easy-to-find links page for that quick exit. My brand of strangeness has a new look and a new name. Enjoy! 04-22-02: Back online and I've started on the site in FrontPage. I'm now 20 years old and still as immature as ever. Family has a new computer and that fast reliable internet connection of old has returned to the house once more. The site is looking a little strange for now but no worries. All will be fixed soon. 'Till next time folks. 03-10-02: It's been a while since my last update. Good news - New hard drive is up and running. New site is in the works. I also have a store, the link is on the front page, you can also click here -> Mmm... Goodies! <- to get to it. Buy my stuff! Bad news - Family computer is down so fast constant access is in question until a new comp is bought. My Pics page is gone so folks will have to hit up Side 7 to see stuff. That's all for now. Lates! 01-11-02: I should be getting a new hard drive later today. So I should be starting on the re-working of the site soon. It'll be good to get back to working again instead of being stuck in my techie hell. = P